Clear Space Clear Mind

I’ve been reading this book lately – The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo… and it truly is life-changing. My realtor Jeanie suggested it to me when we spent some time looking at small spaces during our house hunting adventures. We saw this one house that was suuuper small, 755 square feet to be exact, and I almost crossed it off the list even though I absolutely loved it. But Jeanie, being the open-minded positive spirit rainbow that she is, brought up this book and suggested that a smaller space could totally work out.

I’m only halfway through the book and am already so inspired to start tidying. I’ve always liked to clean and purge, but it would usually feel ENDLESS. As good as it feels to tidy, it would give me anxiety sometimes. The problem is… I would spend a whole weekend tidying and it would be just a matter of days (sometimes hours) before my space became untidy again. Like most people, I would tidy from room to room, which I learned is highly ineffective. Instead, we should be tidying by category, and discarding before we start organizing. So now… I’ll be using the KonMari method described in this book, and I’ll be documenting my experience along the way for you guys to see. Let me know what you think and feel free to ask questions!

XO #clearspaceclearmind

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